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Home Blood Cancer

Blood Cancer

Blood Cancer is different from other types of Cancer. Blood cancer occurs when something goes wrong with the development of your blood cells. This stops them working properly and they may produce out of control.

This cancer can stop human’s blood doing the things it normally does to save you healthy, like fighting off infections or helping repair your body.

Types of blood cancer

Main types of blood cancer bellow-

Lymphoma- This occurs when body’s lymphocytes (a certain type of white blood cell) become harmful.

Myeloma – This occurs when body’s plasma cells (a type of B lymphocyte) become harmful.

Leukaemia – This occurs when body’s leukocytes (white blood cells) become harmful.

Here are the stages of Blood Cancer:

The stages of the blood cancer are divided on the basis of metastasis. There are different rules to define different stages, according to the symptoms and level of metastasis.

Stage 1. The enlargement of the lymph nodes is 1st stage of blood cancer. This occurs because of the sudden rise of the number of the lymphocytes. The risk at this stage is very low as the blood cancer is not yet range or affected any other physical body part.

Stage 2. 2nd stage of blood cancer, spleen, liver and lymph nodes get enlarged. It is not necessary that all these body part get affected at the similar time; though, this stage includes one of these organs for sure. The growth of the lymphocytes is very high in this 2nd stage.

Stage 3. 3rd stage of blood cancer, anaemia grows in the third stage and above stated body part are still found enlarged. It is assured that more than two organs get affected in this 3rd stage.

Stage 4. 4th stage of blood cancer is the last stage with the main risk ratio. The rate of blood platelets starts dropping fast. The cancerous cells start moving the lungs including the other organs which already started getting affected in the earlier stages. This Last stage, is More likely to be acute at last stage is Anaemia.

Symptoms of Blood Cancer:

Some people may not have any symptoms up to disease is advanced. Or, sometimes the symptoms may be mistaken for a severe cold or flu.

There are many symptoms of this blood cancer but some common symptoms of blood cancer bellow:

  • Weakness, Fatigue, and Malaise
  • Shortness of breath
  • Minimal body strain results in bone fractures
  • Excessive or easy bruising
  • Bleeding gums
  • Recurrent infections or fever
  • Sweating of body during night
  • Weight loss
  • Frequent vomiting sensations
  • Anorexia
  • Lymph node (gland) enlargement
  • Lumps or abdominal distension due to enlarged abdominal organs
  • Abdominal pain, Bone pain and Back pain
  • Delirium and confusion
  • Abnormal bleeding in gums nose and cuts, which will lead to platelet reduction
  • Headaches along with visual difficulties
  • Occurrence of fine rashes on dark spots
  • Decreased urination and difficulty while urinating

Causes of Blood Cancer:

The causes of blood cancer are still uncertain, however, there are certain risk factors that are related with blood cancer. The causes of blood cancer can be genetic.

There are many reason of Blood Cancer:

  • Smoking

    This is the only confirmed lifestyle related risk factor for blood cancer. Smoking is commonly known for causing lung cancer or mouth cancer, however, it also affect the cells that indirectly come in contact with smoke, like blood cells.

  • Chemical Exposures

    Exposure to chemicals like benzene. Benzene is used in the rubber industry, oil refineries, chemical plants, shoe manufacturing, and gasoline-related industries. Some studies tell that heavy factory exposure to formaldehyde increase the risk of blood cancer.

  • Chemotherapy Drugs

    The patients who have been treated with chemotherapy, have high risk of developing blood cancer.

  • Radiation Exposure

    High-level of radiation exposure, for example, surviving an atomic bomb blast can cause blood cancer. The biggest and the most terrifying example of radiation exposure in front of the world was atomic bomb blast in Japan, where the people exposed to the radiation of this blast were found to be developing the disease in higher ratio, even after more than the half of the century people there still affected by those radiation causing cancer.

  • Certain Blood Disorders

    Blood disorder seems to be increasing the risk of blood cancer. These disorders includes chronic myeloproliferative (condition that causes the blood cells to grow rapid and abnormally), polycythemia Vera (body starts generating too many red blood cells), essential thrombocythemia (body produce too many blood platelets), and idiopathic myelofibrosis (bone marrow disorder, where the bone marrow starts disrupting production of blood cells and replace them with fiber scar-like substances). The risk increases if the treatment of these disorders includes chemotherapy.

  • Genetic

    Some syndromes that cause blood cancer are genetic, like,

    1. Fanconi anemia (a genetic defect)
    2. Bloom syndrome (genetic disorder)
    3. Ataxia-telangiectasia (a genetically inherited disease causing several disabilities)
    4. Diamond-Blackfan anemia (inherited pure red cell aplasia)
    5. Schwachman-Diamond syndrome (congenital disorder)
    6. Li-Fraumeni syndrome (cancer predisposition hereditary disorder)
    7. Neurofibromatosis type 1 (tumor disorder caused by mutation)
    8. Severe congenital neutropenia (also called Kostmann syndrome)

    Some problems those are present at birth

    1. Born with an extra copy of chromosome 21
    2. Born with an extra copy of chromosome 8

Risk factors for Blood Cancer:

Though, several factors have been known which may increase your risk. Such bellow-

  • A family history of leukemia
  • Previous treatment for cancer with chemotherapy or radiation
  • Smoking, which increases your risk of developing acute myeloid leukemia (AML)
  • Exposure to high levels of radiation
  • Genetic disorders such as Down syndrome
  • Blood disorders, such as myelodysplastic syndrome.
  • Exposure to chemicals such as benzene

Prevention of Blood Cancer:


No guaranteed way to prevent blood cancer but can control with healthy life style. However, some preventive measures include:

Natural prevention:

Maintaining a healthy diet that is low in fat and full of fruits and vegetables may subsidize to a lower risk of blood cancer. Also, maintaining a healthful weight, exercising, and eating plenty of fruits and vegetables can reduce the risk of blood cancer.

Foods that contain fiber, anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory properties and blood purifier element can reduce the risk of blood Cancer. There are many foods at our near stores that may contain anti-cancerous properties and help reducing the risk of blood cancer.

Regular consumption of few foods like raw turmeric, moringa leaf, cashewnut, Garlic, Cauliflower, Cabbage, Cauliflower,carrots Cabbage, Bitter Gourd and Bitter Stick can remove toxic from blood and may help to reduce blood cancer.

Lifestyle and other important factors that plays important role in blood cancer prevention:

  • limiting the intake of saturated fats and red meat
  • Avoid drinking
  • Don’t use tobacco
  • Get vaccinated
  • Keeping the weight under control and maintaining a healthy weight
  • exercising daily.
  • Regular screening or examination for diagnosis.

There are a few foods we should consume regularly beside our meals to prevent blood Cancer:

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Blood Cancer