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Home Colon Cancer

Colon Cancer

Colon cancer is one of the most common type of gastrointestinal cancer. It is a disease process of multifactorial which malignant (cancer) cells form in the tissues of the colon and inflammatory conditions of the digestive tract.

Colon cancer is when large cells undergo a specific process of cell division and cells grow at abnormal rates. Most colon cancers are the result of abnormal growth of adenomatous polyps. First, the polyp is formed in the small cell body of the epidermis. Gradually, the cancer develops from the polyp and then invades the healthy tissue, spreading inside the body.

  • Risk of developing colon cancer make effects of Health.
  • Blood in the seat or a variation in bowel habits to Signs of colon Cancer.
  • Experiments that observe the colon and rectum are used to discover and detect colon cancer.
  • The large intestine actions primarily as a storage capacity for waste; however, additional water, salts, and some vitamins are further removed.
Here are the stages of Colon cancer:

Stage 1. The cancer has penetrated the lining, or mucosa, of the colon or rectum but hasn’t spread to the organ walls.

Stage 2. The cancer has spread to the walls of the colon or rectum but hasn’t affected the lymph nodes or nearby tissues yet.

Stage 3. The cancer has moved to the lymph nodes but not to other parts of the body yet. Usually, one to three lymph nodes are involved at this stage.

Stage 4. The cancer has spread to other distant organs, such as the liver or lungs.

Symptoms of Colon Cancer:

Signs and symptoms of colon cancer tend not to be specific. In other words, the signs and symptoms can occur due to a number of different conditions. When colon cancer is detected in its early stages, it may not have even caused symptoms. Symptoms can also vary according to the specific location within the colon where the tumor is located.

Some symptoms and signs of colon cancer are:
  • Rectal bleeding or blood in the stool,
  • Dark-colored stool,
  • Acute abdominal pain
  • Change in bowel habits,
  • The food comes out of the stomach
  • Change in stool consistency,
  • Sudden weight loss
  • Constipation,
  • Diarrhea,
  • Narrow stools.
  • jaundice

Causes of Colon Cancer:

Greatest cases of colon cancer initiate from noncancerous tumors called adenomatous polyps. Usually, Human’s cells follow an orderly process of growth, division, and death. Though, cancer develops when cells grow and divide wildly.

There are many reason of Colon Cancer:

  • Malignant tumors to other parts of the body over the blood and lymph systems by cancerous cells may spread.
  • These kinds of cancer cells can grow and attack healthy tissue nearby and during the body in a process known as metastasis. The result is a additional serious, less treatable condition.

The particular causes are unknown, but colon cancer has several potential risk factors:


  • Intestinal polyps (chronic cases),
  • Chronic ulceration colitis
  • Hereditary Hereditary causes may cause a mutation in the gene that subsequently accelerates colon cancer. In addition, if a relative of someone’s blood is infected with colon cancer, the risk of developing colon cancer increases.
  • Eating extra cows or goats is also absent in the dietary diet.

Risk factors for Colon cancer:

Traits, habits, and diet

Colon cancer is more likely to mark those with quiet lifestyles, those with heaviness, and individuals who use tobacco.

As the colon is part of the intestinal system, diet and food play central roles in its development.

Primary conditions

Some of treatments and conditions have relations to an enlarged risk of colon cancer. Such as –

  • Diabetes
  • Having experienced radiation therapy for other cancers
  • Acromegaly, which is a Growth hormone disorder by


The best public types of polyps are:

Hyperplastic Polyps: Colon cancer hardly grows from hyperplastic polyps, as they are naturally caring.

Adenomas Polyps: Adenomas may look like the covering of a healthy colon but appear different below a microscope. They can become cancerous.

Prevention of Lung Cancer:


No guaranteed way to prevent colon cancer but can control with healthy life style. However, some preventive measures include:

Natural Prevention:

Studies show that diet and lifestyle changes may help to reduce the risk factors of getting colon cancer. Foods that contain fiber, anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory properties, omega-3 fatty acid, essential minerals, anti-cancerous elements can prevent colon cancer.

We can easily find these anti cancerous foods at our near stores. We must maintain a healthy diet consists of lots of green vegetables, nuts, healthy seeds, few essential herbs and fruits in our daily diet chart. Healthy diet and disciplined life is very important to be fit and healthy.

Various types of green vegetables and herbs like chives, basil leaf, Mushroom, Pumpkin, Cauliflower, Bitter Gourd, Broccoli, carrots, Cabbage etc. help in the prevention of colon cancer.

Few healthy seeds and nuts have the anti-cancerous property that help in reducing the risk of colon cancer. Such as: pistachios, chia seeds, Basil Seeds, etc.

Few special kinds of herbs and masala like Ashwagandha, garlic, Ginger, cloves, green tea may help in the prevention of colon cancer.

Fruits like Fig fruit, Papaya, Guava, avocado has also positive impact in colon cancer prevention.


Lifestyle and other important factors that play important role in colon cancer prevention:

  • limiting the intake of saturated fats and red meat
  • Avoid drinking
  • Quit smoking
  • Keeping the weight under control and maintaining a healthy weight
  • At least 5 minutes’ walk/exercising daily.
  • Regular screening or examination for diagnosis.

There are a few foods we should consume regularly beside our meals to prevent Colon Cancer:

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Colon Cancer