

Malabar spinach is a popular tropical leafy-green vegetable. Malabar Spinach have some antioxidant properties and contains many vitamins & minerals. It contains vitamin C, vitamin A, calcium and, iron. The plant is low in calories and also has a high amount of protein in relation to its weight. Malabar Spinach is also a great source of soluble fiber.


100 grams of Malabar spinach contain:

  • Energy 19 K cal
  • Carbohydrates 40 g
  • Protein 80 g
  • Total Fat 0.30 g
  • Cholesterol 0 mg
  • Folates 140 µg
  • Niacin 500 mg
  • Pantothenic acid 0.053 mg
  • Pyridoxine 0.240 mg
  • Riboflavin 0.155 mg
  • Thiamine 0.050 mg
  • Vitamin A 8000 IU
  • Vitamin C 102 mg
  • Sodium 24 mg
  • Potassium 510 mg
  • Calcium 109 mg
  • Copper 107 mg
  • Iron 1.20 mg
  • Magnesium 65 mg
  • Manganese 0.735 mg
  • Selenium 0.8 µg
  • Zinc 0.43 mg

Health Benefits:

  • Malabar Spinach is rich in antioxidants, which is very significant for overall health and preventing illness-including cancer. This plant also contains vitamin A, which has been shown to have potential in blocking oral cavity and lung cancer.
  • It can prevent anemia. Malabar Spinach is an excellent source of iron. 100 grams’ fresh leaves contain about 1.20 mg or 15% of the daily intake of iron. Iron is an essential trace element required by the human body for red blood cell (RBC’s) production.
  • Its thick and fleshy leaves are an excellent source of non-starch polysaccharide, mucilage. Its leaves enable smooth digestion. Fiber diet brings a reduction in cholesterol absorption, and help prevent bowel problems.
  • Folate is essential to reduce the homocysteine level which is present in the blood. Homocysteine increases the chances of strokes and heart attacks. Few studies have shown that folate contains in Malabar spinach can reduce the chances of cardiovascular disease.
  • One of the many benefits of fiber is its ability to slow down the rise of blood sugar levels. The absorption of glucose is slower when high fiber foods are eaten. This means the high fiber content in Malabar Spinach can help control the blood glucose levels and even help those who have diabetes.
  • Malabar Spinach is incredibly rich sources of vitamin A. 100 g fresh leaves provide 8000 IU or 267% of recommended daily allowance (RDA) of this vitamin. Vitamin-A is required for maintaining healthy mucus membranes and skin, and essential for good eyesight.
  • Folate is one of the vital vitamins which is required for having a healthy pregnancy. Folate is vital for copying DNA and builds the new cells. Low levels of folate lead to development issues that remain after birth as well. Leafy greens vegetables like Malabar spinach, spinach, etc. are the folate-rich foods that one should intake during pregnancy.
  • Malabar Spinach contains both magnesium and calcium. These two minerals found in the plant play a very significant role in maintaining bone health.
  • Malabar spinach has anti-aging benefits. The free radicals in your body damage your skin, thus causing premature aging. These free radicals are destroyed by the antioxidants in Malabar Spinach. So, when you eat Malabar spinach regularly, you will keep up your skin and slow down age-related degeneration, making your skin look younger and rejuvenated.
  • Malabar Spinach can treat depression too. The intake of folate contains in Malabar Spinach helps to treat the depression naturally. The high intake of folate helps to lower the depression significantly in depressed patients.